Electrical Safety Audit

Environmental Monitoring and Analysis Auditing

Fire Audit & Studies

INDUSTRIAL Hygiene & Safety Audit

Audit Factory Act Compliance


Key of OHS Audit is Prom0ting Safe work condition. OHS Audit helps in assuring safety of all persons in workplace

SAFETEAM OSH Audit services enables Organisation to keep the workplace safe & hazard-risk free environment. SAFETEAM customized solution suits the Organsiation OSH needs in right place -right way completely compliant to OSH Policy & Procedures

OHS Audit services provided by us includes
• Ergonomically correct layout enabling higher efficiency with Safe environment
• Audit of OHS Management system at Workplace
• Risk Assessment & available control mechanism
• Quality assurance Audit against standard guidelines.
• Hazard & Risk free Workstation
• Process & system update base on new regulation & requirements.

PreAudit ISO-OHS

Storage Space Audit

Liaising with Pollution control Board